Industrial Continuous Integration (CI) environment for 5G Radio at Ericsson

On March 28th Han Fu will give a seminar with the title is “Industrial Continuous Integration (CI) environment for 5G Radio at Ericsson”

A world-class Continuous Integration (CI) machinery using state of the
art technology is one of the key enablers for Ericsson to have faster,
more, better 5G radio product deliveries to our customers. In order to
achieve that, we build up a fully automated CI loop for fully 5G Radio
functional test. One delivery of 5G Radio software can be an hourly base.
In this session, the elaborate setup of Ericsson Radio Software CI loop
will be introduced, along with the intricacy setup of Radio test tower
for functional test purpose. Furthermore, in our future work, we see an
inspiring opportunity for Ericsson to leverage and extend ongoing most
advanced research in AI-driven program-repair to drastically reduce system development cost.   Han Fu obtains his Master Degree in Physics at Shanghai Jiao Tong
University. Han has worked for Ericsson for five years, currently holding a
position as a team leader in Radio Software department, Ericsson AB. Han has worked across the globe — China, Israel, Sweden for
multi-projects. Han had abundant experiences regarding various domains
in product development as a software developer, a feature tester, an
integration tester, and held responsible positions. Han is continuously
working on (Continuous Integration) CI for 5G radio product development.

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