Work Groups

The Work Groups are strategically important work committees. The theme of the Work Group shall relate to ICES work processes and the different issues facing ICES as a growing KTH Centre of Excellence. The aim of each group is to support the Director and Co-director in their work with running the centre. This could be to provide advice, set up meetings, provide contacts, propose programs etc. Each Work Group is headed by a contact person who is responsible for calling to the meetings and lead the meetings. A group shall meet at least two times per year.

Education and Student Interaction
Successful and attractive programs running. Frequent interactions: industry/education/ students Students shall be knowledgeable about KTH research Support initiatives for improving and renewing education (pedagogy – e.g. flipped classroom, industry interactions, T-shaping).
Chairperson: Johnny Öberg KTH, E-mail: Johnny Öberg

Continued Education
Graduate school with one to two day courses adapted to suit industrial participation. Investigate other relevant models for continued education.
Chairperson: Henrik Öhrlund Atlas Copco Tools, E-mail: Henrik Öhrlund

Marketing and Member Involvement
Recruit new members. Increase and broaden involvement from existing members. Distribute information of center activities. Utilize effective social media for marketing. Maintain and develop an attractive homepage reflecting ICES as collaboration centre with international visibility.
Chairperson: Tobias Vahlne KTH, E-mail: Tobias Vahlne

Competence Groups
Industry and academia competence groups within the thematic focus of ICES. Each group shall spread and deepen knowledge and best practice among member organization within the focus area. Competence groups should support researchers and industry by finding relevant focus activities for the specific group, e.g. formulating and catalyzing projects, writing (white) papers, organizing workshops, etc.
Chairperson: Stefan Norrwing KTH, E-mail: Stefan Norrwing

Learning Network
Start new competence groups Follow up of competence groups Support creation of new research consortia Plan and organize the ICES conferences and workshops (beyond competence group organized workshops) Efforts to involve and strengthen the relation towards alumni (KTH and other).
Chairperson: Stefan Norrwing KTH, E-mail: Stefan Norrwing

Interactions and Catalyzing Projects
Maintain contacts and represent ICES in interactions with relevant national and int. networks (Incose, ARTEMIS-IA, Swedsoft). Maintain a dialogue with selected funding bodies (e.g. ECSEL and Vinnova). Support ICES members with contact information, call and brokerage event info, and contacts with other related centers. Set up targeted efforts for specific funding/project opportunities Identify new networking opportunities.

Chairpersons: Martin Törngren KTH, E-mail Martin Törngren; Catrin Granbom Ericsson,
E-mail: Catrin Granbom

Well working internal processes. A learning network, striving to continuously improve practices and initiatives towards achieving the vision of ICES.

Chairperson: Stefan Norrwing KTH, E-mail: Stefan Norrwing
